Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why Does Smoke Alarm Beep Every Minute

Dionisio Perez-Jacome, Minister of Communications and Transport, PEMEX patrimonila harmed by U.S. $ 8 billion

The record black Dionisio Perez-Jacome of

Author: Ana Lilia Pérez

The story of Dionisio Perez-Jacome Friscione as a public servant is not as clear as posed by President Felipe Calderón. Their performance in the energy sector, the new Secretary of Communications and Transportation keeps a record that involves a millionaire grief into the coffers of Petróleos Mexicanos

In a move seen by analysts as a strategy to get rid of more staff questioned his cabinet in January, the President placed Felipe Calderón Arturo Dionisio Perez-Jacome Friscione as Secretary of Communications and Transport in place of Juan Francisco Molinar, who bears the burden of impunity surrounding the case of ABC Childcare.

exsubsecretario Expenditure But one of the tables closest to Calderón does not have "clean hands" and the 1001/2002 audit evidence consisting of the Secretariat of Public Function (SFP), which involves on one billionaire property damage against Pemex Petrochemical (PPQ.) Contralínea had access to the file that lies at the confidential files of the SFP. This is the story:

In 1997, the young economist Arthur Dionisio Perez-Jacome, only 28 of age, was charged with "promoting investment" and capitalize on the state petrochemical companies. President Ernesto Zedillo appointed him director of the State Steering Committee for Enterprise Capital of non-basic petrochemicals. And then worked in Los Pinos as his adviser on "special projects" and social policy and rural development.

Nor were his first in the Executive. Thanks to the drive of his father, Secretary of Commerce and Industry, and then of the Interior, Denis Arthur was, at 22 years old, one of the negotiators of the Free Trade-in agriculture and automotive, "that many damage has economy and led to the Mexican countryside. Dispatched at the Embassy of Mexico in Canada, served as third secretary.

As part of the division Ernesto Zedillo of the structure of Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) in subsidiaries and affiliates, and the amendments to Article 27 of the Constitution and regulations for private enterprise to participate in the petrochemical area, created the Committee where Perez-Jacome placed under the direct orders of the Secretary of Energy Luis Tellez Kuenzler, former head of Dionysus in the Chair.

His responsibilities were to "design schemes encouraging private participation in the industry, facilitate projects aimed at strengthening the energy sector, as well as serve as liaison between various private investors and public sector entities. " PPQ

The Committee and signed with the financial institution JP Morgan a contract for the company, dedicated to financial services, acted as financial agent for the divestiture and sale of 49 percent of the shares of the subsidiaries of PPQ (Cangrejera , Cosoleacaque, Morelos, Pajaritos and Escolín).

While the Committee operated with funds allocated by the Energy Secretariat (Sener), Luis Téllez and Dionisio Perez-Jacome created a trust, identified by the number PPQ1954, arguing the alleged need to "capitalize" the Committee. They decided to bring the resources of Pemex Petrochemical, but the trust would be controlled by Perez-Jacome in his capacity as director of the State Executive Committee and coordinator of the Technical Committee of the trust. Was established with an endowment of $ 471 000 3 million to 8 million 852 thousand pesos.

Between 1998 and 2000, Perez-Jacome handled the considerable resources of PPQ Sener and by the Committee and the trust without any accountability. After two years, your package failed to capitalize on the petrochemical industry. Only entered into large business of companies linked to the Presidency-as-Agronitrogenados Fertimex and, while Pemex's production and profits were in decline.

never made public the irregularities in the handling of the trust, as reflected in the audits conducted of the internal auditors.

divert resources

The Body's Internal Control (OIC) detected the alleged diversion of funds from the trust subsidiary PPQ1954 PPQ, which would have taken place between June and September 2000. This motivated the interest of auditors to audit the accounts, together with the Auditor General of Finance requested the OIC evaluation of the contract between PPQ and JP Morgan for the placement of the shares of the subsidiaries, which became a resounding failure.

As the line of trust aimed at the Ministry of Energy, the SFP authorized the comptroller to conduct special audits to Sener, through the Secretariat for Control and Audit of Public Management.

Thus, between February 2001 and June 2002, made two special audits to the Committee. After them, the auditors found "illegal" the creation and operation of the trust PPQ1954, "product of a flawed measure, included in their reports.

In addition, the unveiled audits called "deviations" committed by senior officials of the Sener: Secretary Luis Tellez, the Under Secretary, Jose Merino Manon, and the head of unit, Dionisio Perez-Jacome.

Regarding the contract with JP Morgan, according to auditors, JP Morgan had breached its contractual obligations without any warning by the director of the Committee. Instead of doing their job, they hired outside consultants to the functions that the Committee and PPQ they had been entrusted. The auditors also identified financial loss in the duplication of services of JP Morgan.

regard, the audit appointment, "JP Morgan had to take the activities that were assigned using their own human and financial resources, must in any event run at your own risk hiring the consultants it deems necessary to fulfill the contract ... so that the trust should not have hired consultants external to support the activities of JP Morgan. "

Supposedly, many of the resources available to the trust went to the hiring of advisers, however, the auditors found no documentary evidence that finds such work contracted under the heading of "technical expenses." It also found the omission of financial cost recovery payment of invoices.

was determined financial loss of $ 8 million. The audits identified as responsible Luis Tellez, Jose Merino Manon and Dionisio Perez-Jacome, also the director of PPQ, Armando Leal Santa Ana, and the representative of the subsidiary in the trust, Guillermo Guevara boat.

completing its audits, the auditors sent to the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibilities is the documentation for fincar responsibilities to officials cited by diverting resources and property damage. They then received the "suggestion" from his superiors to "modify" the results to exempt officials. As they refused, "suggestion" turned to intimidation and then leaving the service. So the controllers reported in the trades between 2004 and 2005 sent to the Energy Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.

In two separate trades quoted, moreover, that "on 23 September 2003, the engineer asked Rosendo Villarreal Davila, comptroller of the SFP to not perpetrate an arbitrariness and irregularities were reported, however, became was ignored and shelved issues. "

This, detailing the legislature, was key to prescribe "the power to punish irregularities noted in the report of alleged responsibility audit. "

In that period, the trust that managed the State Executive Committee for the capitalization of non-basic petrochemicals companies in the SFP was regarded as one of the five most important energy sector, rather than the amount of property damage by the seniority of the officials involved. No liability or penalty

ran against Dionisio Perez-Jacome, nor against Luis Tellez, the current president of the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores. The record was, like many, filed in the SFP. In this way, the now Secretary of Communications and Transport fought a probable disqualification.

When the audits were completed, served as Energy Regulatory Commission, a key area for the government of Vicente Fox, where, in 2003, she would play as a sector leader Felipe Calderon Hinojosa. Also at the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), the management of Perez-Jacome left a mark: an exhibition of special permits for private entrepreneurs to produce electrical power at the expense of the Commission Federal de Electricidad (CFE) and Luz y Fuerza Centro (LFC), which permits the Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF) found very serious irregularities.

In the CRE, appeasement

Dionisio Perez-Jacome Friscione CRE made a law permitting the production of electric power to the extent of each private consortium. This not only violated the Constitution for the State authority in the electricity sector, but forced the CFE and LFC individuals buy wholesale power, produced even with the infrastructure parastatals.

Overall, these permits included as an exception to the prohibition of selling electricity, the "transfer" to "partners" of the permit holder. Also validated each convention and agreement to sell the permit holders, simulated under the figure of "transfer" power to its "partners", which actually are the buyers of this energy.

Permissions contravened Article 27 of the Constitution and various provisions therefore were illegal. This was determined by the FSA after counted as part of two special audits made at the CRE in the period in which Perez-Jacome commissioner served as governor. Counter

team Arturo González de Aragón in front of the ASF also found serious omissions by the Regulatory Commission, as not requiring permittees energy information being produced and how and in what quantity distributed it. This information should be submitted on a regular basis as the obligations of the licensee registered with the terms of their permits. Its failure would lead to termination. Although virtually the CRE did not receive the information, Perez-Jacome did not suspend the permits. Quote

the ASF that CRE had no enforcement of permits or modifications made to each independent producer to the conditions originally agreed upon in their concessions.

The audit found that some permits issued did not even have the support of the CFE, in violation Law of Public Electricity Service.

The highest organ of control to the CRE said the exclusion of proviso to sell electricity to licensees and partners to monitor the applicants did not have permits concerning the purchase of electricity. Not complied with any of these provisions, the FSA said, permits should be canceled. It also recommended "avoiding" the "discretion" in authorizing changes to the originally agreed conditions.

observations seriously upset the ASF President Vicente Fox, especially since the Audit asked the ICO fincar responsibilities are against CRE officials involved in the irregularities found. In response, the Executive, through Sener, represented then by Felipe Calderón, which filed a constitutional challenge alleging that the ASF had no authority to audit the permissions.

There, for the second time, vanished the possibility of responsibilities fincar against Perez-Jacome. But there was a greater impact to the detriment of the pockets of all Mexicans

By the 381 special permits for electrical energy production in the CRE issued, forced the CFE and LFC to private buy their "surplus" with the argument that it was more profitable to the State. However, the audits found that the CRE ASF never verified the application of the methodology for determining the cost of power purchased with private and consequently, expenditure per megawatt generated increased 53.6 percent in nominal terms between 2003 and 2008. Cost by reducing the subsidy paid directly today every Mexican family.

Analyses prepared by Sergio Gonzalez Broca, a specialist in electricity tariffs and former employees of the sector for four decades, they find that the cost of production and prices have increased as private replace the CFE and LFC extinct in production.

This also relates to a mere desire to profit from the presidency of Vicente Fox, private farmers began to produce in volume more than twice that required by the Mexican market, with purchases insured by the CFE. Which involved an investment of over U.S. $ 5 billion since 2001, a position that applies to electricity rates paid by the user, estimates the National Committee for Energy Studies. These rates, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development are the most expensive in the world.

If, as Dionysius Energy Regulatory Commission Perez-Jacome were observed, as was his duty, so expensive that it was the State to pay for third party produced by Constitutional mandate that the responsibility of the parastatal, perhaps the Mexicans would deal today with the exorbitant bills CFE, unaffordable for the purchasing power of Mexicans in the presidency of Felipe Calderón.

Contralínea requested interview with Secretary Dionisio Perez-Jacome to respond for the audit to it in course material damage to Pemex, but up to press time there was no response.

For his part, Luis Tellez, president of the Mexican Stock Exchange, through its spokesman Roberto Gavaldón, said he granted the interview "because the case occurred eight years ago" and today is no official government response "to other interests."

It also sought to JP Morgan's position regarding the audit. The spokesman in Mexico, John Murray, told Contralínea who had no comment.

Source: Contralínea 218 / January 30, 2011


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