Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tally C000005 Memory Access Violation

Ebrard: Candidate Manuel Camacho Solís and Calderón-CALDERON EBRARD

# ternurita @ M_Ebrard and his candidacy in 2012

Federico Arreola

February 1, 2011 - 8:12 Angel Guerrero Aguirre told me a politician who was a friend of Luis Donaldo Colosio, "Marcelo, as Camacho during the administration of Salinas, has lost ground." In August 1993 I went with Luis Donaldo Colosio in Chiapas, specifically the municipalities in which, months later, the Zapatistas appear. Back on the plane Donaldo told me he was tired and was going to struggle to watch at a dinner which would go immediately after landing, if memory serves me correctly, the historian Enrique Krauze, journalist Alberto Ramón and businessman Adrian Garza Sada. Colosio's fatigue gave me the idea of \u200b\u200bpublishing a column in The North, saying it was because I knew I had potential to be candidate against Manuel Camacho. I swear it was a sort of psychological experiment. I thought if Camacho read my writing, I was playing for my closeness to Luis Donaldo, as an absolute truth: Colosio felt defeated. Such

which occurred. Camacho, whom I knew, I looked. I agreed to have coffee with him, who was regent of the Federal District, in an office that was in the direction of the Centre. Another person involved in the meeting, his then private secretary, a man from Monterrey, Javier Garcia Avila. Manuel Camacho me said immediately that I would tell him not to worry Colosio, he, Camacho, it would give the Ministry of Interior Donaldo. So crazy. Camacho obviously had no idea about what was happening at the probate process, as evidenced months later when they received the PRI's presidential nomination. In that conversation, the first I had with Manuel Camacho, the man who had lost ground, even as a course accepted the possibility of not running for president of the republic. Several times I asked, "Well, what would you do in the very unlikely event of not being a candidate?". In all the replied: "Unable to happen. I'll be the nominee, no doubt, for that I am working, and what will happen." I left the office Camacho thinking that the then ruler of the Federal District was if not crazy, crazy somehow. I knew that this monomania walked his collaborators, among which occupied a privileged place Ebrarad Casaubón Don Marcelo, @ M_Ebrard for friends twitter. History repeats itself. Today is convinced that candidate is Ebrard. Well, for me it is. If willing and able to make the application of the PRD, Convergencia and even thrive PAN if negotiations with Felipe Calderon. (Not included PT already has the candidate: AMLO). But Ebrard, that not be fooled, there is no candidate of the resistance movement led by Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The political support be endorsed at times, but not always. And citizens, millions of Mexicans, who for years have spoken with AMLO in all corners of the country would not accept, even if Andrés Manuel asked himself, to support politicians. Just missing resisting having wasted time during the six years of voting for Calderón to stop more of the same, albeit in colors of "left." Andrés Manuel

know and I know, is spoken, that it is moving to 2012 to seek a profound transformation of the country, not only to lead a government more or less effective.

But in the unlikely event (assuming without conceding, the lawyers say) that Andrés Manuel told me: "Fred, I thought, we must support Marcelo", I reply: "Well, you rest it, Andrew, and you do well, and I have better things to do. " Ebrard for me is the same as Camacho and Camacho is the same as the dogs and the dogs are like Calderon, and Calderon is the same as Cesar Nava, and Cesar Nava is essentially identical to Moreira and Moreira is another Peña Nieto and Peña Nieto is a clone of Javier Lozano, and Javier Lozano is interchangeable with Manlio Beltrones, and Manlio Beltrones is another Creel and Creel is as Ebrard is the same as Camacho ... just see a different political: López Obrador. I do not see any background willing to change the political system. So if AMLO is no, me neither. Do not waste my time on projects that no election will change. Not even vote. And I believe that millions in the resistance movement thought the same.

already on the edge of absurd assumptions, if in 2012 I had to choose, in the voting booth, among Ebrard, Peña Nieto and Javier Lozano, because the best one would give my vote to Lozano. That's how I feel depressed. I say, and walked Ebrard and supporting Lozano the same candidates where there has been pan-PRD.

And if the ballot were the only options Peña Nieto and Ebrard, they resort to a classic Mexican elections: vote for Cantinflas and add right there, boom, Joaquin Pardavé as interior minister.

professional politicians and good only for the grid will go far to hell. Ie not going to tell me to continue destroying Mexico.




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