Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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The meganegocio of Anglo-Saxon food cartels

Author: Alfredo Jalife-Rahme *

Section: Geopolitical Radar

The causes of food hyperinflation are numerous, but their meganegocio is the same as identical parentage of cartels

oligopoly, where most whites overwhelmingly (minimally mixed with allies Dutch, Swiss and French).

A simpleton approach currently focuses on the "causes" of increased demand from China and India has outstripped supply due to "climate change" (the mother of all excuses) and droughts in the pampas of Argentina, the fire of forest in Russia and floods in Australia, to name the most cumbersome.

Another "cause" iatrogenic (caused "accidentally" and / or "collateral" for humans) is insane conversion of 40 percent of U.S. corn -Leading global producer and exporter on bioethanol, which is madness climbed the Mexican Congress, and financial speculation the government

itamitas Calderon, who claim to have "shielded" the tortilla (when they have contributed to its rise speculative since the Free Trade in North America to buy their "financial derivatives"). Another determinant of food hyperinflation, in unison with the rise in commodities in general, has been the "quantitative easing" of Federal Reserve Governor Ben Shalom Bernanke, a psychotic and massive printing of paper trying to save Israeli-Anglo-Saxon banking insolvency. Be the causal

go and enjoy the unchanging financieristic speculation as image vultures awaiting carrion, has brought huge profits "leveraged", where the volume of "futures" in food commodities increased 23 percent 2010 in the food bag of Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In a public questioning of the U.S. Congress, Joel Newman, executive director of the American Feed Industry Association, lashed out at the "Wall Street banks" to cause the ruin food by their speculation.

In my remarks from 2008 ( Day,

Under the Microscope, 16, 23 and April 27, 2008, August 4, 2008, August 4, 2010, October 8, 2010, 16 and January 19, 2011)-ranging from the hypothesis of "food war" of the Anglo-Saxon couple United States and Britain against China and India, and expands food speculation fueled by Goldman Sachs, noted that the transnational Cargill feed, which exports 25 percent of grains United States, operates a major financial industry "risks" in the futures markets and has its own signature of a hedge funds ("hedge fund"): Black River Asset Management, with assets of 10 billion dollars. In 2008, the unprecedented rise was triggered riots in 30 countries, mostly those in "developing", as the "developed" Anglo-Saxon countries boast be immune to hyperinflation, because its power comes from the " processed foods, so only spend 13 percent of their income on food compared to the "underdeveloped" seeking more than 50 percent in food "unprocessed." But such has been the constant in the global food disparity and this is nothing new. What is new is that in early 2011, countries supposedly "peaceful" and U.S. allies and France, and Tunisia, have been overthrown by the "jasmine revolution" because of graduate unemployment and food hyperinflation coupled with the rise of oil.

The monthly chart of the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture (for January) of the Food Price Index shows a rise huge and steadily rising for six consecutive months ever recorded (a peak of 215 points, almost Double score 2006) for the total of 55 food commodities, among whom include corn, wheat, sugar, meat and vegetable oil.

The multinational U.S. Cargill, do not forget that accounts for 25 percent of exports of U.S. grain and 22 percent of the domestic market for meat, in addition to supplying all the eggs in McDonald's restaurants in the United States and is the largest producer of chickens in Thailand, is a family business with an impressive record of 140 years, is not quoted on the Stock Exchange. If quoting , Cargill would be among the first transnational classification Fortune magazine

500 . For fiscal 2009, Cargill earned revenues of 116 thousand 600 million dollars (which places it in the first place overall in the category of "food" and that is not quoted on the Stock Exchange) and has 160 thousand employees in 67 countries (including Mexico). Of course we will not go to the disturbing discussion of environmental abuses and human rights. In Interestingly, Mosaic Co, a subsidiary of Cargill Fertilizer, which owns the three-thirds of its shares listed on the Stock Exchange itself (6 000 income $ 700 million in 2010) and is the main producer phosphate and potash second in the world: an oligopoly oligopoly fertilizer in the grain! U.S. MNC- Another course, heavily subsidized by the U.S. government, whose officials and politicians have been generously lubricated by their lobbyists, "Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), operates the cereals and oils with little regard to environmental damage and has 270 plants in the world revenues in 2009 by 69 thousand 200 million dollars. Saturated with legal trouble, ADM was fined by the "pricing" of lysine (whose exploits were made into films). The octopus

Kraft Foods, Inc, represents the largest transnational sweets, drinks and food in the United States, with more than 40 brands in 155 countries (Cadbury, Maxwell House, Nabisco, Oreo, Oscar Meyer, etc.). Earned income of 40 thousand 400 million dollars in 2009.

The Anglo-Dutch Unilever, with 163 000 employees worldwide, earned 57 000 $ 74 million in 2009. Its characteristic is that it has more than 400 brands, 13 of which belong to the "multimillion-dollar brands" with incomes greater than U.S. $ 1 billion each (the best known is the Lipton tea). In fact, 25 of the total of its brands account for 70 percent of its sales.

Bunge Limited, an MNC strangely British tax haven of Bermuda and headquartered in White Plains conventional (USA), 41 000 had revenues of $ 926 million in 2009 and has 945 employees 25 000 worldwide. It is the largest exporter of soybeans in the world and has interests in the market for processed foods, as well as grains and fertilizer. Monsanto The U.S., with revenues of 11 thousand 740 million in 2009, is considered one of the most evil multinational with a load of lawsuits and protests in the four corners of the globe. Monsanto made the quantum leap to biotechnology to become leader of the controversial genetically modified foods (accounts for 90 per cent) and the "bovine growth hormone." Behind the dispute Monsanto, Pioneer Hi-Bred U.S. has recently positioned in the world of genetically modified foods. A serious misjudgment is trying to isolate the huge revenues of powerful transnational corporations of chemicals and fertilizers that have entered tangentially (and / or horizontal and vertical integration) in the lucrative business of food, like Dupont, BASF, Yara, JBS, et cetera. not be left out of the inventory to the powerful processing of all kinds of red meat, as the U.S. Smithfield Foods and Tyson Foods, with income over 14 000 U.S. $ 264 million and 26 thousand 700 million dollars in 2009, and made in the pillory, as all carnivorous industry (in both senses of the word), in the famous award-winning documentary Food, Inc (Can be downloaded free online.) A case sui generis it is the diversified French conglomerate Louis Dreyfus Group, with varied interests, from agriculture, through the energy to real estate, and presence in 53 countries, 35 thousand employees and revenue of 20 billion dollars.

We can not leave without mentioning the multinational Nestlé Switzerland (place 44 of the top 500 global Fortune magazine

and the first "quotes" of all kinds of raw foods and processes) that deserves a special encyclopedia: operates in 86 countries, employing 283 000 people and earned a revenue azorantes nearly 100 billion dollars in 2009. One of the subsidiaries tax "Latin American" Nestle was embarrassingly caught in the smuggling of "white powder" in Guatemala, which was not exactly milk powder Nido brand, and where the emphasis is misplaced. classification

magazine Fortune 500 subdivides the food business in several sectors, which represent a supernegocio: food and drug stores, consumer food products, food production and food services. As want to see or classify, "food"-for its production, processing, services and consumption, are a real

goldmine and represent a major meganegocios the planet, where no one reaches the U.S. market Cargill grain, without listing on the Stock Exchange, or the Swiss Nestle in the business of food processed, when the two of them capture revenue of more than 200 billion dollars a year.

worst thing is its use for geo-our hypothesis of "food war" - to dominate the peoples and countries of the earth that holds more than 1 billion hungry. This barbarism

controlled by the pernicious global oligopoly of cartels

whites, yet there are those dare to call him a "neo-liberal civilization." Geopolítca

* Professor of International Business and the National Autonomous University of Mexico Contralínea 218 / January 30, 2011


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