Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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The Calderón-Ebrard conspiracy

Álvaro Delgado

In fact, Calderon's collusion with the PRD leadership led by Jesus Ortega - whose operator of both factions is Manuel Camacho Solís - main condition is to neutralize at all costs and honoring López Obrador Ebrard, even if it seems right unclean for having promoted legalized abortion and gay marriage.

For the PAN were puzzled that can support Ebrard, but understand that Calderon would rather give the presidency to him and not the PRI, because it implies a historical shame for being the son of one of the founders of the PAN. That is the theoretical basis of the current compromise Ebrard do believe that he can count on the support of Calderon, which is not trusted. But meanwhile, in order to consolidate the alliance with Calderon to 2012, Ebrard has even a strategic shift in their relationship with him, has deployed a sudden meekness, including silent about the arrival of troops from the Army and Navy the streets of the capital, conduct has been matched by the gag imposed from Los Pinos PAN capital.

Another sign of the covenant between Calderón and the PRD-controlled dome

Chuchos , whose craft is in line by the current shrill but ineffective - and even López Obrador himself - would become a reality this Sunday, Feb. 6 in Baja California Sur: The PAN PRD submitted to the governor of the state. Unlike image Guerrero, where he went on six occasions during Angel Aguirre's campaign - and the seventh in Sunday's victory - Ebrard was not a single chance to Baja California Sur to support Luis Armando Diaz, PRD candidate for governor, who just received in his office Mexico City on 7 December. Ebrard This glaring omission, coupled with the deliberate apathy towards the national PRD campaign Diaz - whose most recent survey placed third place - outlines the triumph of the PAN candidate, the experredista Marcos Covarrubias, who as mayor left in the bankruptcy of the municipality of Comondu.

So if the former governor impresentable Angel Aguirre Rivero, is also Covarrubias, sheltered by a right as unscrupulous and corrupt left-led Jesus Ortega, whose Calderon outlined arrangements with other transactions: Michoacán for Luisa María Calderón PAN, the "sister uncomfortable" for the PRD and Nayarit José Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo.

The State of Mexico is the next target for an alliance at least de facto, whose nomination to seek to strengthen, with the support of

Chuchos is that of Luis Felipe Bravo Mena ...

Notes What elections are a mess? They are, but not a few weeks or months. They have been since the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation (TEPJF) validated, as predicted here, the stock of cheating committed in the 2006 election, including the intervention of public authorities ... A star is born: Emiliano Salinas Occelli leading a social movement, according to him, to restore peace in Mexico - "is looking


" - and one recalls the 300 committed murder of political opponents in the government of his father, Carlos Salinas, now a social agitator. To see who they believe ...


delgado@proceso.com.mx Source: Process


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