Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blackheads Broken Capillaries

"The war against organized crime" was imposed by Washington

The war imposed on us by Washington

George W. Bush and Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon: White House photo by Chris Greenberg

Author: Pablo Moctezuma Barragán

border in Nogales Arizona-Sonora, 5 January, Border Patrol U.S. cowardly murdered Ramses Barron, 17. U.S. officials explained that an officer responded to an attack with stones. On June 7, 2010, was killed Sergio Adrián Hernández, 15 years in Ciudad Juarez, on the Black Bridge, a border agent in that country was shot in the head in Mexico. Calderón's government, instead of applying the law in our country and demanding the deportation of the murderer, asked the U.S. government to conduct a "thorough investigation", and this, after "investigation", said Sergio Adrian was "a coyote. " On May 28, 2010, the migrant Anastacio Hernández Rojas Mexican was beaten and kicked to death by 20 border agents in San Diego, as recorded a video on Youtube. Before Anastacio, the border patrol had killed five Mexicans in 2008, 12 compatriots in 2009 and 16 in the first five months of 2010, that's not counting the hundreds of Mexicans who die at the border or are murdered with impunity in the country each year neighbor. U.S.

says we are "partners", but intensify the crackdown and deportation of Mexicans in this country are treated like criminals for the crime of ... work! With Obama, has worsened the situation. Janet Napolitano, the Department of Homeland Security reported on 6 October 2010, during that fiscal year, the first president of Barack Obama, was a record 392,000 aliens deported, which meant an increase of 70 percent from a year deportations fiscal 2009, in the final stage of the presidency of George W Bush. Of this total, 71 percent are Mexican.

After building the wall of death , which Obama voted as a senator, his administration has sent to the border 20 000 National Guardsmen and unmanned aerial vehicles or drones , which can be equipped to bomb and already patrolling the border. Since 2004, Pakistan such aircraft have killed 2 000 43 people, most civilians. Last year there were 134 attacks that killed 929 people. Will the same be made in this country to combat organized crime? In Mexico, the blood flows. After so much death, is the U.S. intervention : they promote killing, violence, drugs and a war in which there are already more than 34 thousand dead, to have a pretext to intervene in Mexico. Their goal: to continue to monitor Mexico's economy, taking over our wealth and labor of Mexicans. U.S. intervention is the problem not the solution! And now they are intervening militarily, which is unacceptable and unconstitutional.

Mexicans can solve our own problems and develop our country for the benefit of society should be sovereign, but the governments of Mexico, both the PRI and National Action Party, have been controlled by Washington. The situation goes from bad to worse. First, we borrowed and then began to impose their policies through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, which have caused the crisis which we live. To give you more rope to the hangman , the IMF has made 78 billion dollars available for Calderón. The Free Trade in North America, far to bring prosperity has caused the ruin of her Mexican economy. Domestic producers are bankrupt and are large corporations, mainly American, which dominate the economy, agriculture, industry, commerce, services, banking. While Mexico is a victim of unemployment, poor working conditions, exploitation and misery, and is forced to migrate. More than half a million Mexicans are going "north" each year and there are treated like modern slaves, criminalized and disenfranchised.

The Alliance for Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America has led to integration and virtual annexation of Mexico to the U.S. (and their corporations) and the worst insecurity in many decades. The drug problem comes from the U.S., spread beyond the drug-is the first global drug market, "the weapons are there for the cartels, money launderers there and also use the drug to create a crisis in Mexico and intervene an ever more open and brazen, with the pretext of "cooperation" for security, but every year, the problem worsens. Now, after economic integration, are carrying out military integration. The army and U.S. agencies (Pentagon, CIA Intelligence, Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA, Federal Bureau of Investigation, etc.) operate openly in the Office of Binational number 265 Avenida Reforma. Was the rise of drug trafficking in the country that opened the door to all U.S. intelligence agencies, predominantly military, operating from the Federal District, being clear that drug trafficking is a business managed and controlled from the United States. In Colombia, are 12 years speaking with his Plan Colombia and that country remains the biggest exporter of cocaine, in Afghanistan, the invasion is eight years: in 2002 did not produce opium, today are the leading exporters of the drug. Vietnam, where was occupied by the United States was leading exporter of heroin, but after the U.S. defeat stopped producing the drug. We blame the drug, but they are the ones who operate it. In Mexico, there are eight drug cartels, from the border, they lost the trail. Who handles both drug in U.S.? Distributed beyond 15 times more drug in Mexico and washed 600 billion dollars.

blood has also become big business. Now do not just want our oil, gold and silver, they want our blood for their wars of intervention, such as in Afghanistan, and to do business with the sale of weapons. Have big profits with this war, drug trafficking, money laundering the . It is documented that "Calderon's war" was imposed by George Bush, who in October 2006 sent to Karen Tandy, administrator of the agency DEA, and David Gaddis, head of the DEA office to meet with Genaro García Luna and Eduardo Medina Mora to prepare for the start of the "war." The weakness of Calderon, who had been the beneficiary of the fraud of 2006 - forced him to accept the U.S. plan . So this is the war in Washington. The sale of arms and war is big business in the United States, so it realizes in Mexico.

On January 17, 1961, President Dwight D Eisenhower in his farewell address to the nation, warned the United States and the world of the growing influence "military-industrial complex" of their country, in which 3.5 million men and women were directly involved and had become, he said, "in the very structure of society." So selling arms, ammunition, rocket launchers, helicopters, machine guns, machine intelligence, both the government and cartels, is big business for the military-industrial complex needs wars, oil and blood, and boost military integration Mexico to send our young people to his military adventures as cannon fodder . Now want Mexico to send troops abroad as part of the Blue Helmets, violating Article 89 of the Constitution, which provides for self-determination and non-interference and peaceful resolution of conflicts. Trampling the Constitution and sovereignty of peoples, Pablo Macedo Riba, director general for the Organization of the United Nations (UN) acknowledged on 21 June 2010, the Foreign Ministry is lobbying for the Mexican military intervention as part of the Blue Helmets, in the "mission of peace" UN. In the Foreign Ministry, said that even the armed forces are willing to participate in the President so orders. On the one hand they want and develop military intervention in Mexico and, on the other, looking for Mexico to "collaborate" with the intervention in other countries ... giving and giving.

But the people of Mexico, which is sovereign, is organized and ready to fight, building an alternative project of nation will prevail in the welfare of the people. It is important not only that we are already realizing where and why the problem arises, but we are ready to fix it, to organize to transform the situation and conquer full sovereignty. This generation is willing to join in breaking the neocolonial plans of Washington and the oligarchy proyanki and build a free and sovereign in which we can live in peace.

* Speaker of Congress and leader of the Sovereignty of Mexteki

Contralínea 218 / January 30, 2011


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