Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Calderón Alfredo Jalife-Rahme: "LA REVOLUCÓN JASMINE "came to Egypt

Under the Microscope

The revolt of the pyramids and post-Mubarak era Alfredo



[Protestors are in Tahrir Square, Cairo, after the televised speech by Hosni Mubarak, in the upper left corner can be seen a figure that symbolizes the Egyptian president colgado.Foto: Reuters]

The police satrapies the Arab world, geopolitics and technologically supported by the triad of U.S., Great Britain (GB)-Israel, ceased to tremble are collapsing rapidly.

The pungent scent of jasmine revolution paradigm Tunisian demographic revolution genuine survival of the starving unemployed university, depose the tyrannical regime of Bin Ali Baba and is besieged gerontocracy militaristic tyrant surrounded by Hosni Mubarak the apotheosis -up of one million that exceeded expectations with over 2 million (as he used to do AMLO in the Zocalo, but intifada) - in Tahrir Square (Liberation ), as we have called the revolt of the pyramids ( Intifada Al-Ahram), in honor of the miraculous multicivilizatorio Egypt past and pending revolution becomes ( saura) ie a genuine regime change ( tagua al-nizam) and what better way was idyllically peaceful.

Cairo is not only the epicenter of the revolt pyramids, but all of Egypt without exception, has shaken the civil society called Juvenile counsel and apolitical April 6 Movement allied with the miserable (literal) of the group Kefaya (Enough!).

The scent of jasmine revolutionary youth has reached Yemen and Sudan (already balkanized) and has forced the Jordanian monarch, a puppet Anglo-Saxon, to appoint a new minister And to replace X in arithmetic permutation its flight forward.

The satraps of ancien regime in the Arab world seek to postpone the inevitable regime change with vulgar cosmetic permutations in their cabinets under the maxim of degenerated Leopard, Anglo caricatured today: have to change everything, so that everything is equal , ie under the geopolitical and geo-economic control exercised by the triad US-UK-Israel.

gerontocracy is valid for the Egyptian military metaphor sand cone and it collapsed last grain to be antigravity untenable 36 years of accumulated grievances of the repressive cone (a geometric pyramid ultimately circular) of Hosni Mubarak-six 30 as vice president and president, and the virtual wish to impose as his successor his son Gamal, a former banker neoliberal Bank of America in London, that is collapsing because they can not resist the scent of Tunisian paradigm as poetic allegory of his last grain. Biologically

days of Hosni Mubarak, 82, are numbered (and that unfortunately suffers from cancer, as leaked to the Israeli media). Politically he is dead, as happened in the fateful moment the Shah of Iran 31 years ago. The farewell kiss the devil was within the support of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: The big loser geopolitical new regional order that unfolds with the inexorable rise of the shaft Turkey-Iran-Syria.

From the psychiatric point, the great-grandfather (that is respectfully) Mubarak never understood a generation rebelled and revealed his great-grandchildren: opted for the classic denial syndrome and crouched with a new gerontocratic cabinet military and prison torturers the ancien regime, rightly refers as Spencer Ackerman, the Wired illustrious portal (31/01/1911): Torturers, guards, spies lead the new government.

to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of GB, William Hague, said, three days late, I was disappointed the new cabinet Mubarak (BBC, 01/02/1911). While Obama

totally exceeded by the collapse of one of its key allies in the Arab world, was confined to the empty rhetoric of universal human rights no application in the facts, their team retreating desbrujulado in an eight-day extension has adjusted its position referring to the epilogue of the ancien régime : first Vice President Joe Biden made his umpteenth gaffe to expectorate Mubarak was not a dictator (super sic!) , then Hillary Clinton was wrong to describe the situation of stable to backtrack on the third day and claim, when the world had come over to America, a transition ordered that de facto let go of the autocrat to his fateful destiny.

Now Obama, in the main geopolitical crisis-management rather than living your Sputnik moment, suffering its nightmare Egyptian as Carter suffered a humiliating your time Khomeini, has no choice but to stand on the side of winners of the story to damage control. Carter now says the crisis in Egypt is the worst for the U.S. since the Khomeini revolution of 1979.

United States has to resolve the insurmountable squaring the circle: to find a genuine Egyptian Democratic that is both an ally, when both features that made absurdly inconsistent.

Obama must decide whether to jump on the bandwagon of freedom in the Arab world or follow blindly supporting Israel's security at the price of U.S. own insecurity.

Veteran journalist Stephen Kinzer of The New York Times , expert on the region, said correctly: The dilemma now facing Washington is to accept that the Arabs have the right to elect their own leaders , which means accepting the advent of governments that do not share the militant pro-Israel U.S. ( The Daily Beast, 27/01/1911). Imposed

When the post-Mubarak due to the size of the protest, maintain the four scenarios that we made (see Under the Microscope, 01/30/1911).

If properly inhale the aroma Tunisian jasmine revolution anonymous face that has spread to the four corners of the Arab world, in unison with the scope libertarian revolt pyramids, Egyptian civil society-totally gerontocracy dismantled by the military police who eviscerated the emerging national political infrastructure will not accept less than the ouster of the octogenarian autocrat now sadly abandoned by the United States, and redeeming the simultaneous installation of a transitional government with military bridge of the non tarnished the army, the backbone of the country for 59 years, when the monarchy was overthrown underpinned by GB. The headless

revolt of the pyramids hurry. Will wait another eight months other eternal scheduled presidential election?

The post was Mubarak is shaping a creative bridge between the military transition illustrated as General Sami Annan (who has the amazing blessing simultaneously both the United States Army of Muslim brothers , essential in the new democratic equation) and civil society led by Mohammed El-Baradei and / or Musa Amer.

The serious problem in Egypt is that the time of military rule, now outdated (whether soft or hard ), and with a duration of 59 years has passed. Urge

civilize the military government in its present and future: that is, in its etymological sense primitive, cupular cede power to civilians .



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