Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Under the Microscope

The food war

bancocracia the overall survival results revolutions

Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

A child puts the price of a sack of rice at a shop in Calcutta, where the value of food has gone in aumentoFoto Reuters


Background: For almost three years, Under the Microscope (16 and 23/04/2008), and five months before the official

emergence of the global financial crisis on Wall Street created, warned the food war

sponsored by the oligopolistic cartel food the Anglo-Saxon duo (United States and Britain) and its six multinationals that control grain and cereals in the world. added that "a chart of food

cartel would have to head to Danields Archer Midland, Unilever (eye!) Grand Metropolitan (Pillsbury), Cargill, and Cadbury. " Please do not lose sight of Unilever for what follows.

Then I pointed out that "massive increases in food prices occurred in parallel to record bets with futures contracts, by the ominous

hedge-funds (hedge funds) in the stock of agricultural commodities Chicago Board of Trade and the Kansas-axis Agromercantil Minneapolis-London. " Four days later

formulated to Stratfor, neoliberal center of Texas-Israeli thinking, implied the deployment of a war

where food would come out as victors U.S. and the European Union, food hoarders highest globally (

The geopolitics of rising oil and food

food war, which climbed Goldman Sachs (Under the Microscope, 04/08/1910), began when the parasitic global bancocracia insolvency knew long before the official date of its emergence from 15 September 2008 that they knew the central banks of U.S. and UK (as Wikileaks

). Facts: Does Anglo food war is designed to China and India, as well as the OPEC (as suggested by Stratfor)? Paul Polman, executive director of the powerful Anglo-Dutch transnational Unilever food (super sic!), With nearly a whopping 40 billion dollars in revenue in 2009 (now to be much more), was lambasted in the neoliberal Forum Davos World Economic (indeed, more agonizing than ever) that

short speculators in the City were damaging (sic) the long-term needs of the business to change the way they operate


The Daily Telegraph, 15.1 11). Vale

cultural parentheses on the high lethality financial short selling

( short-selling), which is taught in schools including academics, and is selling assets pledged to third parties ( stock brokerages and investment banks) with the intent to repurchase at a later date as the return of the pledge given. This speculation lethal (for the amounts involved leveraged unidirectional exercising artificial prices) allows artificial price swings where speculators earn their dizzying changes (to the sale and repurchase) thanks to the collusion of the global bancocracia fauna provides all sorts of speculative necrophiliac credit facilities at the expense of consumers exsangües on your savings. This is one of many entertainment devices totalitarianism neoliberal left stranded most of the world population. financieristic In postmodernity there is nothing more barbaric than shorting

(one of the favorite casino games from the slavery of the Rothschild banking and global operator George Soros) should be banished from the face of the Earth civilized societies. In his interview to British newspaper of yore, the Dutchman said Polman

short speculators have contributed to food inflation

And who profit at the expense of people to live (sic) a decent life (sic) , which is difficult to understand if you want to work for long-term interests (sic) of society . He worries that

climate change and water shortages affect tomato production by Unilever, which buys 6 percent of global supply. In his view, the European Union subsidies have created distortions (sic) the market (sic) that work against the needs of the developing world

. And where left

subsidies by more than 800 billion dollars for a duration of 10 years Baby Bush gave his techno-agricultural-food industry and put the final nail in the coffin of aggro

Neoliberal Mexico mortally wounded by the folly of NAFTA? deduction is a truism that higher food and oil is the result of hyperinflation concocted by Ben Shalom Bernanke, the controversial governor of the Federal Reserve (Jeremy Warner, The Fed feeds the catastrophe of rapidly rising raw materials ,

The Daily Telegraph, 10/29/1910 ) perverse to try to rescue the global bancocracia insolvent, which led to the collateral damage of social unrest in several developing and catalyzed survival revolution ( by famine) in Tunisia (see Under the Microscope, 16/01/1911). After reviewing the various causes of rising

classic food-droughts, floods, bioethanol, rising gasoline, bulk purchase of China and India, etc.-and regardless of the blatant speculation financieristic Postclassic, John W. Schoen, chief producer of the MSNBC television (01/14/1911) and who seems to belong to both schools of thought of the Polish-French Marie Antoinette as Stratfor,

argues that de-veloped world (sic) has come out unscathed with a modest price (super sic!) in the U.S. because eat more processed foods, in addition to the consumer average American spends 13 percent of their disposable income on food compared to over 50 percent of the least developed countries (01/14/1911). " No Comments! Best of insanity globalist: before the revolt of students unemployed in Tunisia and regenerative immolations , the American Robert Zoellick, World Bank director and one of the satraps of totalitarian neoliberal

urged to avoid protectionist measures ( The free-market can still feed the world , The Financial Times,

5.1.11). To see if it convinces the outdated Zoellick sync when the hungry of the earth that the free market going to save and nurture.

How, then, it will protect affected countries, and not only the hike, but none of the revolutions survival (of hambuna) ? "Shielding

financially to the tortilla, itamita style as Calderon has chosen? Not everything is insanity in Anglo-Saxon narrative and Rowena Mason ( The Daily Telegraph, 01/17/1911) argues that food inflation is destined to become a political issue , rather than financial or economist.

Conclusion: The jasmine revolution in Tunisia genuine revolution-survival (starvation) of unemployed university-placed U.S. and GB to the insurmountable dilemma that many of his unfailing geopolitical allies in the world can be humiliatingly ousted because of rising food speculative, forcing to affected countries to resort to purely political and national safeguard protective. Times are political, not financial. Source:


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