Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Legitimate Government of Mexico / SDP with the PAN or the PRI, the PRD, PT and Convergence will win elections in the State of Mexico as they did in 2006, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador said the PRD, PT and Convergence will succeed for themselves in the election for governor of Mexico, as in the 2006 presidential race without the need to establish an alliance with the PRI or PAN.
He made it clear that "going into alliance with the PAN is a matter of PRD leaders made a deal with President Felipe Calderón spurious and not with the militants." In an interview, he referred to the attempt National Action decline in favor of the PRD in Mexico state elections. Expressed its opposition to any kind of alliance with the party of the mafia of power and money.
"We do not want under any circumstances, any alliance with the PRI or the PAN, because they are the same, no difference, the only difference between the PRI and the PAN is that the PRI and PAN are thieves are thieves, "he said.

insisted that the people below the PRD, PT and Convergence have nothing to do with either the PRI or the PAN, considering that both parties are responsible for the national tragedy.

The potentates, he continued, "think they can still keep the same system with a two-party right, with the PRI or the PAN, and they do not want is to have a choice, really change things."

And he warned: "We will not enter this simulation, in this deception, or PRI, and PAN. The two parties are the mafia of power and mob boss of the Mafia's power, and the PRI and the PAN, Carlos Salinas de Gortari is. " Brought

memory of former presidents Carlos Salinas and Vicente Fox made alliance to steal the Presidency of the Republic and impose Felipe Calderón, "then why should we continue wasting time?".

stated that the people will win the elections in the state of Mexico, but not those behind the PRI and the PAN and said the mafia of power and money started an operation of the parts, which the Governor of Mexico State Enrique Peña Nieto, is the candidate of the wealthy for the presidential elections of 2012, and his campaign manager is Carlos Salinas and who makes propaganda is Televisa.

During the information meetings in Apaxco, Tequisquiac and Hueypoxtla, López Obrador reiterated his refusal to carry out an alliance between the leaders of the PRD and the PAN to contest the elections on July 3 which will renew the state government.

Accompanied by Rep. Alejandro Encinas, who is the National Regeneration Movement's proposal to be the candidate of the left and progressive forces in the state, the legitimate president of Mexico clarified that it is not negotiating public office because then it would be "as Calderón's puppet, holding hands and feet by the commitments it made to usurp the presidency of the Republic."

explained that the movement headed and progress in building an alliance, but with progressive parties of the left, with parties of people, PRD, PT and Convergence, and "do not want an alliance with the PAN or the PRI." He described as incredible

and immoral PRD leaders want an alliance with the blue and white, a right-wing party, "it was the political force that robbed us 4 years ago the President of the Republic."

And he said, "we do not want the alliance with the PAN, we do not want to fool people, because the proposal has a PAN is to continue with the same special privileges."

continued "we will not be comparsa to continue deceiving the people. We need a change root, a substantive change in the public life of the country and therefore we must build a new road. "

In Apaxco Encinas Rodriguez said is" a partner with principles, ideals, an honest person has experience in rule and known pollution problems that persist in the town, which does not know the potential candidates of the PRI and PAN.

commented that the PRI candidate for governor "are exquisite, nothing they do is dress However, combing it, walk frivolous, they do not have experience and knowledge of the issues that really affect the people of the state of Mexico. "Lopez also

Obrador said that both candidates of the PRI and the PAN "are a señoritingos, good for nothing, most thieves."

In Apaxco, Tequisquiac and Hueypoxtla, the legitimate president of Mexico announced Alejandro Encinas assume commitments in case of winning the state government of Mexico to improve the lives of the inhabitants of the state.

summarized the commitments: first create a fund to create jobs, you know which is the main problem in the town and country, to ensure the unemployment insurance, grant loans for productive activities, as well as install canteens.

also listed, implementing a pension program for seniors, scholarships for the disabled and single mothers, health care and free drugs, expanding the school breakfast program for preschool and primary school uniforms and supplies delivered, monthly stipends for all high school students.

Also, he said, implementing a program of construction, expansion and improvement of housing, improve public services, roads and transportation in the state.

Tomorrow, Andrés Manuel López Obrador will be in the municipalities of Zumpahuacan, Joquincingo, Texcalyacac, Tenango Valley and Rayon.



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