Saturday, January 29, 2011

Milena Velba With His Daughter

The silent invasion of the United States in Mexico

The silent invasion

emerged from an adage says ancestral authoritarianism "in charge, charge, and if you make a mistake, re-send." I remember the successive appearances of Mrs. Clinton on stage fratricidal war is declared here in pursuit of a strategy of "regional security" developed in the North. Urges us to continue on this path, but all evidence is disastrous.

Secretary of State provided Calderon pats on the back that looks more like shoving the country. Decreed an extension of the Merida Initiative and blurted out that Mexico has no choice but to "continue the fight against drug trafficking, despite the violence that is recorded." He added that "should be the goal of any administration (which was installed in 2012), regardless of political party." The slaughter in the neighbor's oxen and blatant violation of sovereignty.

Behind the scenes of "admiration, respect and trust, "the Mexican president, are the evidence of total disregard for U.S. agencies to our military, intelligence and civil authorities. After the visit, there were notorious attacks, and Spain rounded out the list of countries that discourage their nationals coming to ours, among which include Belgium, Germany, France, Portugal, United Kingdom, El Salvador and Honduras.

Last June, a UN report amounted to the "insurgents" masked to the status of "superpower of crime", while the U.S. Congress now calls "domestic terrorists", which alert justify the Pentagon, while Mexican army officers "look like the imminent arrival of U.S. troops to the country by the demand for tougher military sectors of National Defense." Ensure that the silent invasion is underway.

actual transactions occurring in underground levels. According to experts, "the American intervention is already happening ... when Mexican institutions are exhausted, they will have to respond directly" (William Gardiner). "As strategic gaps are generated, the Americans will occupy. They do are clear about what they want from us "(Abelardo RodrĂ­guez).

ContralĂ­nea magazine quoted military assets that support it: "The drug war is being handled from the U.S. to lead a military intervention as the only remedy to the chaos in the country." They argue that they would try to ameliorate the social and political costs through two ways: internally, the terror, "why would seek Mexican society itself demands more security no matter the source of aid, and what Externally, the "humanitarian" propaganda "convince international opinion that intervention is necessary to criminal acts that have passed the Mexican State. "
They claim that America "is not only primarily responsible for the drug, being the largest consumer of illegal substances in the world and the largest exporter of weapons to cartels and the army, but that country, or some features of his government-promotes the drug war as a business and as a strategy of destabilization. " Otherwise, does not explain the military training from different countries then control operations, infiltrate organized crime or involved in coups.
stand against this threat voices of past presidents of the region and eminent personalities clamoring for a solution other than conjure the danger. But it can prevent a strong reaction of society that lead to the reconstruction of the state.

PT Federal Deputy



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