Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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book "The Radical Way" Porfirio Munoz Ledo

Mexico, accelerated process of becoming a "failed state": Muñoz Ledo

Posted on January 19, 2011 by
blogjenaro . "-chronic population.
-High levels of inequality.
-severe economic decline.
Loss of legitimacy of government. -Deterioration of public services. -Applying the rule of law arbitrary. -Extensive human rights violations.
-security apparatus independent of the public.
-primacy of the state elites.
-Intervention external political actors.

the State instead of reforming

During the presentation, held in the old courtyard of the school of Law, UNAM, San Ildefonso, the presenters agreed with the failure of state reform and, as stressed the historian Lorenzo Meyer, citing a part of the book by Munoz Ledo, "distorting the State is easier than change it." Meyer agreed with Muñoz Ledo's conviction that any change failed a regression in the political system. "It the case of Mexican reality. Is the case with the idea of \u200b\u200ba failed state, "said the analyst at the Colegio de Mexico. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a former 2006 presidential candidate and leader of the leftist social movement coincided with the exhaustion of state and regime. "We are in a process of progressive degradation. We are in a decline of the state. And I agree with the idea of \u200b\u200bradical route proposed by Muñoz Ledo, on the understanding that the radical pathway is not violent, "said Lopez Obrador. At the same idea, Alejandro Encinas, current candidate for governor of the State of Mexico, stressed that the radical way "requires of a peaceful movement. " Encinas noted that the decline of the state has increased and stressed the negotiations which led the government of Felipe Calderón with the owners of the media to create a perception that it is a legitimate government.



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