Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Legitimate Government of Mexico / SDP with the PAN or the PRI, the PRD, PT and Convergence will win elections in the State of Mexico as they did in 2006, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador said the PRD, PT and Convergence will succeed for themselves in the election for governor of Mexico, as in the 2006 presidential race without the need to establish an alliance with the PRI or PAN.
He made it clear that "going into alliance with the PAN is a matter of PRD leaders made a deal with President Felipe Calderón spurious and not with the militants." In an interview, he referred to the attempt National Action decline in favor of the PRD in Mexico state elections. Expressed its opposition to any kind of alliance with the party of the mafia of power and money.
"We do not want under any circumstances, any alliance with the PRI or the PAN, because they are the same, no difference, the only difference between the PRI and the PAN is that the PRI and PAN are thieves are thieves, "he said.

insisted that the people below the PRD, PT and Convergence have nothing to do with either the PRI or the PAN, considering that both parties are responsible for the national tragedy.

The potentates, he continued, "think they can still keep the same system with a two-party right, with the PRI or the PAN, and they do not want is to have a choice, really change things."

And he warned: "We will not enter this simulation, in this deception, or PRI, and PAN. The two parties are the mafia of power and mob boss of the Mafia's power, and the PRI and the PAN, Carlos Salinas de Gortari is. " Brought

memory of former presidents Carlos Salinas and Vicente Fox made alliance to steal the Presidency of the Republic and impose Felipe Calderón, "then why should we continue wasting time?".

stated that the people will win the elections in the state of Mexico, but not those behind the PRI and the PAN and said the mafia of power and money started an operation of the parts, which the Governor of Mexico State Enrique Peña Nieto, is the candidate of the wealthy for the presidential elections of 2012, and his campaign manager is Carlos Salinas and who makes propaganda is Televisa.

During the information meetings in Apaxco, Tequisquiac and Hueypoxtla, López Obrador reiterated his refusal to carry out an alliance between the leaders of the PRD and the PAN to contest the elections on July 3 which will renew the state government.

Accompanied by Rep. Alejandro Encinas, who is the National Regeneration Movement's proposal to be the candidate of the left and progressive forces in the state, the legitimate president of Mexico clarified that it is not negotiating public office because then it would be "as Calderón's puppet, holding hands and feet by the commitments it made to usurp the presidency of the Republic."

explained that the movement headed and progress in building an alliance, but with progressive parties of the left, with parties of people, PRD, PT and Convergence, and "do not want an alliance with the PAN or the PRI." He described as incredible

and immoral PRD leaders want an alliance with the blue and white, a right-wing party, "it was the political force that robbed us 4 years ago the President of the Republic."

And he said, "we do not want the alliance with the PAN, we do not want to fool people, because the proposal has a PAN is to continue with the same special privileges."

continued "we will not be comparsa to continue deceiving the people. We need a change root, a substantive change in the public life of the country and therefore we must build a new road. "

In Apaxco Encinas Rodriguez said is" a partner with principles, ideals, an honest person has experience in rule and known pollution problems that persist in the town, which does not know the potential candidates of the PRI and PAN.

commented that the PRI candidate for governor "are exquisite, nothing they do is dress However, combing it, walk frivolous, they do not have experience and knowledge of the issues that really affect the people of the state of Mexico. "Lopez also

Obrador said that both candidates of the PRI and the PAN "are a señoritingos, good for nothing, most thieves."

In Apaxco, Tequisquiac and Hueypoxtla, the legitimate president of Mexico announced Alejandro Encinas assume commitments in case of winning the state government of Mexico to improve the lives of the inhabitants of the state.

summarized the commitments: first create a fund to create jobs, you know which is the main problem in the town and country, to ensure the unemployment insurance, grant loans for productive activities, as well as install canteens.

also listed, implementing a pension program for seniors, scholarships for the disabled and single mothers, health care and free drugs, expanding the school breakfast program for preschool and primary school uniforms and supplies delivered, monthly stipends for all high school students.

Also, he said, implementing a program of construction, expansion and improvement of housing, improve public services, roads and transportation in the state.

Tomorrow, Andrés Manuel López Obrador will be in the municipalities of Zumpahuacan, Joquincingo, Texcalyacac, Tenango Valley and Rayon.


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Broadcast version of the pact between Calderón and Ebrard 2012

Writing / SDP version, which originated in contrast, half of Mexico City, said Calderon and Ebrard clinched a deal to launch Ebrard as a candidate of an alliance between the PRD and the PAN in 2012 and block his way to Enrique Peña Nieto and Andrew Manuel López Obrador. The paco be another trick over Manuel Camacho Solis to try to put a Marcelo Ebrard for president by the PRD, said the release, which states that Camacho also reportedly met with Calderon in late November 2010. Source:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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The silent invasion of the United States in Mexico

The silent invasion

emerged from an adage says ancestral authoritarianism "in charge, charge, and if you make a mistake, re-send." I remember the successive appearances of Mrs. Clinton on stage fratricidal war is declared here in pursuit of a strategy of "regional security" developed in the North. Urges us to continue on this path, but all evidence is disastrous.

Secretary of State provided Calderon pats on the back that looks more like shoving the country. Decreed an extension of the Merida Initiative and blurted out that Mexico has no choice but to "continue the fight against drug trafficking, despite the violence that is recorded." He added that "should be the goal of any administration (which was installed in 2012), regardless of political party." The slaughter in the neighbor's oxen and blatant violation of sovereignty.

Behind the scenes of "admiration, respect and trust, "the Mexican president, are the evidence of total disregard for U.S. agencies to our military, intelligence and civil authorities. After the visit, there were notorious attacks, and Spain rounded out the list of countries that discourage their nationals coming to ours, among which include Belgium, Germany, France, Portugal, United Kingdom, El Salvador and Honduras.

Last June, a UN report amounted to the "insurgents" masked to the status of "superpower of crime", while the U.S. Congress now calls "domestic terrorists", which alert justify the Pentagon, while Mexican army officers "look like the imminent arrival of U.S. troops to the country by the demand for tougher military sectors of National Defense." Ensure that the silent invasion is underway.

actual transactions occurring in underground levels. According to experts, "the American intervention is already happening ... when Mexican institutions are exhausted, they will have to respond directly" (William Gardiner). "As strategic gaps are generated, the Americans will occupy. They do are clear about what they want from us "(Abelardo Rodríguez).

Contralínea magazine quoted military assets that support it: "The drug war is being handled from the U.S. to lead a military intervention as the only remedy to the chaos in the country." They argue that they would try to ameliorate the social and political costs through two ways: internally, the terror, "why would seek Mexican society itself demands more security no matter the source of aid, and what Externally, the "humanitarian" propaganda "convince international opinion that intervention is necessary to criminal acts that have passed the Mexican State. "
They claim that America "is not only primarily responsible for the drug, being the largest consumer of illegal substances in the world and the largest exporter of weapons to cartels and the army, but that country, or some features of his government-promotes the drug war as a business and as a strategy of destabilization. " Otherwise, does not explain the military training from different countries then control operations, infiltrate organized crime or involved in coups.
stand against this threat voices of past presidents of the region and eminent personalities clamoring for a solution other than conjure the danger. But it can prevent a strong reaction of society that lead to the reconstruction of the state.

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Development and Growth in the Mexican Economy: A Historical Perspective

David Ibarra

History and national development

In Mexico, citizens would like to make things better walk. Apart from the eradication of organized crime, or perhaps because of it, is widespread aspiration, folded exclusion and poverty, create opportunities to overturn informal employment in the modern sector of the economy. In short, you want to resume growth, the impasse, understand well what happens. Exiting

new impasse in which we are is a question not addressed or if it is under pressure from distorting ideologies or interests overwhelming. Thus, they were well received in their time critical essays The Mexican Revolution is a fact or past de Silva Herzog of Mexico's crisis de Cossio Villegas. O broader economic literature, although somewhat aged, among them Mexican economic reality: rear view and perspectives of Leopoldo Solis, and The Mexican Economy: Twentieth Structure Growth and Clark Reynolds. now, deserves the warmest welcome the book of Moreno-Brid and Jaime Ros, Development and Growth in the Mexican economy, which is to catch up, to fill a gap in the economic history of independent Mexico with a systematic account, valuable, which also includes events of the late twentieth century and the early years of which we live.

The main merit of the work translated and published under the seal of the FCE worth, is to contain an interpretation of events, strengths, successes and failures of government that have determined the evolution of national development since independence until today . The emphasis on the weight of history and sociopolitical factors, much distinguishes this book from monism which abounds in the work of many authors. Another virtue of the analysis presented is its impartiality, while still being critical does not take sides between conservatives and liberals in the nineteenth century, nor after technicians, bureaucrats, free traders or statist.
In each period, our authors try to identify the major impediments to development and responses of governments and economic elites. For example, in the disorder of the half century following independence, the investment process stops, we suggest, not only by lack of roads and communications or insufficient skilled labor, but institutional and political factors related to the search for a new canon of political organization and growth. The checkpoints fractionated country markets and, above all, makes, persistent social inequality. To these faults are added disagreements between political factions, including the successive waves of state officials and between economic agents.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Two-thirds of the Mexican population believes that organized crime is winning the war: Gerardo Esquivel

The Glass Half Empty
The Glass Half Empty Gerardo Esquivel

"Economic Outlook for 2011, the year of Janus Posted: January 21, 2011
No more! Simplifications Enough ...!
last week a group of cartoonists led by Eduardo del Río (Rius)

The campaign, which had a relatively successful social media and was quickly followed by a strong wave of criticism from analysts and journalists. Thus, some equated with the voluntary statement

beauty pageants, others saw in it a clear political overtones aimed at political and media lynching President , others saw it as an "outrage myopic
" there were others who criticized because
not condemn the criminals but the government

and there were even those who qualified as a campaign based rancor.

is true that the campaign was somewhat simplistic and lack of depth, it is true that, at least for some, the campaign had some political purpose, it is also true that the campaign lacked a concrete proposal. And yet it is also true that the counter-campaign simplified and caricatured (horse machete swords!) The original idea of \u200b\u200bthe proposed Rius and company. That is, there was something in the background of the campaign that most of his critics simply ignore: the weariness of the population with the current situation, the frustration at the lack of success of the strategy against drug trafficking, despair against the unusual increase in violence in recent months and the inevitable feeling that the strategy should be reviewed and modified. That was ultimately what prompted the campaign and what the perception is an important part of the Mexican population. What the campaign did not criticize the criminals? It is true that he did not explicit, but it is obvious that they are condemned. No way no. What crimes are committed by criminals and not the government? Oh, truism, how right you have! All this, however, is completely irrelevant to this discussion. What is important is that the government and some of its apologists still determined to defend a strategy that has clearly not worked and that, for some reason not entirely clear, the violence has risen sharply, especially in states where they have carried out joint operations.

Therefore, and because many people begin to perceive that the strategy was not designed properly, no surprise that a majority of the population believes that the government, not the criminals responsible for the violence that affects several areas of the country. Thus, a recent survey of Strategic Communications Office reveals that 43% of the population believes that the authorities are the main responsible (not authors, of course) of the violence that is occurring in the country, while only 35% believe that those responsible are criminals. In places like Mexico City (48% and 30%, respectively) Ciudad Juarez (49% and 26% respectively), the results are even more compelling. Nor is it surprising to know that

in the same survey two thirds of the population believe that organized crime is one that is winning this war (78% in Ciudad Juárez) and less than one-fifth of the population is considered to government that is succeeding.

What above mean? It is time for the government to reflect on the current strategy. Starts by recognizing that what matters most affected and the public at this time is the issue of violence and not the drug kingpins (not the same, although many do not want to see it well). That we must continue the war on drugs, yes, but in a more intelligent, less confrontational. That the fight against drug trafficking organizations should be attacking them where it hurts, that is, the financial part. That the strategy should be redirected to pursue, arrest and prosecute those responsible for violence in the country and reduce the flow of arms into the country. But above all, that it should respect the rule of law. It's useless to fight violent crime with the brute force of state and must respect human rights. Failure to do so, we will continue immersed in this wave of violence and, worse still, the process could continue weakening in itself diminished our rule of law. Source: C2% A1no-more-% C2% A1ya-enough-of-simplifications /

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Medical Journals With Impact Factor

mental health in doubt Calderon

Calderón, "a danger to Mexico"

Author: Miguel Badillo

* Section: Office Paper

23 JANUARY 2011

The health of the President of the Republic is a matter of national security. Their decisions affect, for better or for worse, the lives of Mexicans, and determine the political, economic and social with other countries. Therefore, the national security cabinet to worry about and deal with what happened a few days ago his boss Felipe Calderón, who, to a climate of terror and pressure by the threat of drug trafficking, has reached a mind to deny these facts and repeated insistently than before.

Two weeks ago, Calderon said in a dialogue with civil society organizations, who had never described as a "war" fighting the federal government holds against organized crime. Immediately, the media and exhibited denied the president-with photos and voice recordings-how since he came to Los Pinos has been repeated time and again that it is a "war" (sic

) of the state against of the drug cartels.

This contradiction in the thinking of the Mexican president is not a minor thing and should be analyzed by a specialist medical staff, who must determine his state of physical and mental health for Congress to consider whether the chief executive is able to govern . About especially since the issue of organized crime and violence plaguing the country, with a balance of more than 34 000

executed in its four years of government, of which more than 15 000 were killed in 2010 - has undergone harsh criticism and pressure.

now desperate, contradictory and bipolar in its governance, Calderón is the one who must undergo a clinical trial to determine whether treatment is adequate health conditions continue to take decisions about the direction of the country and that are best for Mexicans or clarify whether it is he who has become "a danger to Mexico."

In the United States, the State Department agrees with the urgent need to review if Calderon is able to govern. So he did know the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who, according to Wikileaks leaks on Mexico, asked one of the cables dated December 2009 to report how they are affecting the personality of President Felipe Calderón and his way of ruling the adverse news of the "war" against drug trafficking and economic crisis in Mexico. Obama's government also believes that the Mexican president can be a danger to U.S. national security. a bipolar affective disorder

For reference, Wikipedia explains the disease of bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar disorder, formerly manic-depressive psychosis as is the psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mood disorder characterized by presence of one or more episodes of abnormally high energy levels, cognition and mood. Add reflected clinically in states of mania or, in milder cases, hypomania with concomitant or alternating episodes of depression, so that the affected is usually somewhere between joy and sadness in a much more marked than people without this condition.

general, says Wikipedia, has expression by an electrochemical imbalance in brain neurotransmitters. Additionally, due to the characteristics of bipolar disorder, individuals have a higher risk of mortality from accidents and natural causes such as cardiovascular disease. Despite being considered a chronic disorder with high morbidity and mortality, comprehensive care that addresses all aspects involved, biological, psychological and social, can achieve complete remission of the crisis, hence the great importance of diagnosis the hit is correct.

The basic element for the treatment of bipolar disorder is the awareness of the problem, your knowledge on the part of the patient and their relatives through sicoeducación to enable them to cope with the crisis, not unsubstantiated fears and the most valid tools as well as prevent relapse.

personalized drug therapy, especially during the stages of imbalance, is another key. Benzodiazepines, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers are the drugs most used. Patterns of mood changes may be cyclical, often starting with a hobby that ends in a deep depression. Sometimes, they can dominate or manic episodes of depression. Some of these disorders are called "rapid cycling" because the mood can change several times within a very short period of time. Other times it is called "mixed state", in which the depressive thoughts can appear in an episode of mania or vice versa. There are still two years to pass the current cabinet to retirement. If in 2010 there were over 15 000 deaths for 2011 and 2012 the level of violence could even be worse. It is therefore important that all decisions taken by Felipe Calderon are the best and, especially, are made with the best possible mental capacity. * Journalist

Source: Contralínea 217 / January 23, 2011

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The teacher

MEXICO CITY, Jan. 19 (adopted) .- Possessing an innate instinct for power and to use the benefit of their political and economic interests, Elba Esther Gordillo is showing again she is a teacher in the game of marked cards, and that for the 2012 election will be one of the key players tip the balance for one of their favorite candidates: Enrique Peña Nieto or Marcelo Ebrard.
The teachers' union leader has begun to operate politically to position themselves well in the various electoral scenarios and especially with the different candidates running for president in elections in July next year.

Through the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), the Partido Nueva Alianza (Panal), of financial resources from these two agencies and, above all, through partnerships that has woven throughout the years, the teacher originally from Comitan, Chiapas, and perhaps more long-lived union chief in the country, has begun to be felt in the political arena, invoking its power accumulated since 1989, when replaced by a betrayal of the teaching to his patron, Charles Jong.
The two presidential terms of PAN, Elba Esther Gordillo has increased its power to levels that probably never imagined. In addition to staying in front of the teachers union, created New Alliance party through which is positioned in different states, supporting candidates for governor, mayors and local deputies, thereby expanding its network of alliances throughout the country.

Honeycomb has been his tool for making agreements with other parties (PAN, PRI and PRD) in local elections. No political or ideological distinctions, Gordon is able to agree with whoever, as long as spaces get government or legislation. It did so in the last election in Oaxaca, where at the end of the campaign decided that the candidate for governor of New Alliance, Irma Piñeyro, declined for Gabino Cue, who when they win last Piñeyro appointed as his secretary of government.
addition, Elba Esther Gordillo continues to maintain privileged positions within the federal government, and came to the office of the Presidency of the Republic, Cabinet spokesman for Public Safety, Alejandro Poire, who in the 2006 election was the key part of the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE).

Since 2000, when the PRI lost the presidential power, the teacher began to operate freely, openly political or ideological commitments. And it gives the same play with the PAN to the PRI or the PRD. This is where you should be. So I always played with two or three candidates at a time.

For example, despite being expelled from the PRI since 2005, for supporting the PAN and creating his own party (New Covenant), the teacher has already had approaches and discussions with the PRI's national leader Beatriz Paredes and even who had held the number one enemy, Manlio Fabio Beltrones.

In the pragmatism of the chief causes no wonder teachers it concluded that under the government of Felipe Calderón, she is taking away and is expected to end his back, however it was the first to raise his hand as the winner of the 2006 election, despite the clear question that was in the legitimacy of the victory of the PAN.

At the same time, Gordon is preparing his way, paying with shares a closer relationship with Enrique Peña Nieto, who has, since 2006, a common history. According to Carlos Ahumada, on the orders of Carlos Salinas de Gortari, the teacher Elba Esther Gordillo y Peña Nieto were in charge of delivering 30 million pesos for the videos of René Bejarano, which served to denigrate the image of the PRD and Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

With Marcelo Ebrard, the teacher has a close relationship since taking the reins of the SNTE in 1989. Then-President Carlos Salinas de Gortari Elba Esther Gordillo supported to overthrow Carlos Jongitud, gave money to support the union and ordered Manuel Camacho Solis political underpinnings. The latter supported it, putting a group of young advisers, among whom was the current head of government of the Federal District.

So it is not strange that today the teacher says Ebrard is one of their favorite candidates for the presidency of the republic.

This ability to adapt by paying favors to politicians, intellectuals, journalists, businessmen, religious leaders, governors, congressmen, senators and even presidents is what has kept Elba Esther Gordillo at the pinnacle of power for over three decades.

And it appears that repeat the same play with marked cards for the 2012 presidential election, leaving a winner, regardless of who wins or loses the game.


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China by 2012 is already in the big leagues of economics and international politics: Orlando Delgado Selley

China's impressive: a new world pole?
Orlando Delgado Selley

MEXICO CITY, Jan. 21 (adopted) .- Hu Jintao, President of the Republic of China, came to America on an official visit as a celebrity of the highest caliber. And so it was seen and treated in each of the official events and meetings held with legislators, business and political leaders until Friday, when he concluded his visit.

to the wise, a few words. The growing economic weight of China has given the extraordinary political significance. Not only is the second largest economy, but the first exporting nation and a big importer.
In a recent article published in the journal of the International Monetary Fund, Finance and Development, December 2010, states that the high growth rate achieved since the economic and political reforms of the late seventies China has allowed its economy double every 7-8 years, while it has increased 16 times its national income in the life of a generation, which has no historical precedent.
Its huge population, over one thousand 300 million, representing a fifth of the world total, making this achievement is amazing. About 400 million Chinese out of poverty as a result of this effort. Moreover, its economic expansion impacted only a few decades ago only to its neighbors, but now affects the whole world.

This influence has also expanded into the financial world. China, based on its huge trade surpluses, has established an investment strategy, which first purchased government bonds from the U.S. Treasury, then bought it financially role of companies controlled by the U.S. government moved to debt issues of other governments and he even consider investing in derivatives and securities representative roles structured investment vehicles.

is told that the president and the Chinese Central Bank Vice President met a group of economists at the University of Beijing, who asked about the risk of investing in derivatives, conduits, complex structures and other financial innovations.

Given the ignorance of the nature of the risk of these instruments, an investigation was ordered closed by noting that the value of new financial products circulating in the world could be understood if ordered dozens of mirrors slightly tilted to viewing could visit them.

distant final image was inaccurate. Such was the value that supported these instruments and, consequently, the risk was not measurable.

Chinese officials decided not to invest in it and kept in less complex papers, of course, offered lower yields. So the 2008 financial debacle them not only affected them, but significantly increased its investment capacity in global markets.

According to The Financial Times, between 2008 and 2010, right in the epicenter of the financial crisis, China provided to developing countries 110 billion dollars, of course more than the United States and even Mundial.China more than the Bank has become the banker of the world. A lender buying debt of Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Spain in the secondary market. It does, moreover, in decisive moments.

the face of government attacks European markets, the Chinese buy and calm the situation, what they sell and support the governments of the countries concerned. Take advantage of the pressures that have increased the rate paid by the sovereign debt issues, so they get high returns, well above what they would obtain by buying U.S. Treasuries.

So support them profitable. The European crisis has helped to diversify its portfolio, reducing its holdings of U.S. paper. In addition, when advertising support in the capital market to governments in a hurry, take the opportunity to win contracts in which it appears that advertise direct China investment in key sectors to ensure their supplies in the medium and long term.

in Greece are investing exorbitant amounts on the purchase of assets in the port of Piraeus, in Ireland have also opened the wallet. In Spain reach the powerful Chinese bankers.

In 2004, Chinese investment in the world or painted. In 2009 came to 4% of the world. In 2010 rose to 5%, in 2011 surely grow up to 7% or 8% match international analysis.

This ability to direct investment in China makes a very important economic player and allows you to be a decisive political actor. The last meeting of the G 20 testified that if China does not accept there is no agreement in this group. Probably not have the capacity to impose their views, but his veto is certain.

So this is not only an emerging power and a key player on the world stage is a new world pole. West has learned how to do business, but has a different culture.

Political values \u200b\u200bare not Western democracy, its political organization with a single party is different. It has, of course, heavy guilt: some distant, as happened during the Cultural Revolution, close others, such as the Tiananmen crackdown on a peaceful demonstration.

why it has arrested and held in prison for dissidents who have claimed, rightly, that China adopt universal values \u200b\u200bof tolerance and respect, even democratic values. That's their Achilles heel.

And during his visit to the United States, some claimed to do so by Hu Jintao. But those criticisms, and those claims nothing marred the courtesy.

United States is to give the Chinese abuse, especially now that so desperately needs them, for its economy, which is one third of the U.S. - is growing at a rate two to three times faster than the U.S..

United States has done everything in their power, fiscal and monetary, to jump-start its economy. But this is slowly recovering, and employment, worse, progress to a crawl.

is symptomatic that one of the first agreements between Hu and Obama has been the signing of contracts for China investment EU-including about 19 billion dollars in Chicago to purchase Boeing 200 aircraft - which can generate over 235 thousand jobs.

No doubt, then, that China is already in the big leagues of international politics and economics.

Source: Process

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Andrés Manuel López Obrador Calls the U.S. government respects the national sovereignty

A few hours after Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary Clinton, made a lightning visit to Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked the government of the northern neighbor respect for national sovereignty and the signing of a bilateral agreement for cooperation on economic growth, generating employment and sources of social welfare. Arturo Huerta Writer Friday, January 14, 2011
Andrés Manuel López Obrador Calls for the U.S. government respects the national sovereignty
Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico State .-
Sunday January 23, 2011

* Calls to conclude a bilateral agreement for cooperation on economic growth, generating employment and sources of social welfare

* Send a letter to the Secretariat of State of the United States North America, Hillary Clinton asking him to rectify the policy towards Mexico

the legitimate president of Mexico reported on sending a letter to the representative of President Barack Obama to ask him to rectify the policy towards our country and to say that the problem of insecurity and violence in the border and throughout the country not be resolved by coercion or by building walls, not with the mass deportation of compatriots.
In the letter, she said, will be explained to Mrs. Clinton that this problem is not solved by the military training of Mexican sailors on American soil, let alone the so-called cooperation on intelligence.
In an interview he gave at the end of the informational meeting on this municipality, said the scourge of violence and insecurity combat and study opportunities for millions of young people.

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ARTURO HUERTA: economic policy

economic policy for the financial sector

In 2010, the yield in dollars from foreign investors located in the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) was 26.83%. This results from the lack of profitable investment options in their countries, so have opted channeled to the emerging world like ours, which pursues policies of 'stability' macro in your favor, such as high interest rates , fiscal discipline and stable nominal exchange rate (domestic currency appreciates), which acts on behalf of profitability in the financial sector. This has led to foreign investment in BMV 156 000 add $ 83 million. To this is added the more 43 billion dollars that foreign investors are in debt, given the higher interest rates it offers in relation to the international interest rate. This situation puts the national economy in a context of high vulnerability and fragility about the behavior of the capital. When the economy ceases to provide conditions of stability and profitability in favor of such capital, it will opt out of the economy, so that destabilize the capital markets, money and currency, and the economy as a whole . No wonder the Mexican government asked the International Monetary Fund will increase the credit line 47 billion to 73 billion dollars, so that together with the 113 billion dollars of foreign reserves, reaching about 200 billion dollars by the end of 2011 (equivalent to foreign investment located in the BMV , as in debt), to act as a buffer against speculative stocks that may arise.

government's concern is to ensure high returns to financial capital, to come and not go, in order to fund the deficit of the external sector, such as exchange rate stability, without this being translated better economic growth, since that capital does not flow to the productive sphere.
economic policies are established for the sector, which has made it possible that the BMV has offered the second best performance in the world (only surpassed by Argentina). This is not explained by the events of the real economy, as GDP growth in 2010, failed the drop shown in 2009, and do not show expected growth of the economy. This reflects that there is no support endogenous validate the gain shown in the BMV, which happens to be fictional, explained by the inflow of capital itself, when they want to go out, fall apart again BMV. That is, drop the price of the shares, and it will not gain any, only earn the first to sell and get out.
can not continue with the economic policy that acts on behalf of the financial sector, it implies further relegated to the productive sector (industrial and agricultural). BMV to offer higher performance (dummy) in relation to the productive sector, capital flows continue to favor the financial sector, which leads to lower growth, higher economic fragility, and another crisis. History repeats itself over and over again.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

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European Debt Crisis: State vs

Confrontation -State
Orlando Delgado Selley In Europe, the survival of partnership model that has existed for five decades. The region has faced since almost a year market pressures money. Stopped after the recession in developed economies, major investors that dominate the market were raised to ensure the return of their money and increase the return on their capital. Reviewed the conditions of the main debtors. Your source for consultation was that the countries themselves reported at different levels of supervision and control, including endurance tests to tensions that had been performed on its banks. They found weak links and decided to act.
They got the Europe of the euro will ensure compliance with the Greek debt payments and charged more. At the same time demanded that the government introduce an austerity plan that reduced the deficit, freeing up resources to pay additional interest charged by a higher premium against risk. With this, people were punished for excesses and lies of others, betraying one of the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof a united Europe: its economic model and social solidarity and fairness.
This European model of solidarity allowed the crisis relatively unaffected by the level of life of Europeans, despite causing an avalanche of layoffs. Compared with what was happening in other countries, including the U.S., it is clear that the European model is socially advisable. Obviously it cost money to European governments: increasing the dismissal automatically accounted increased government spending to ensure a minimum income to the unemployed.

This partnership model is the market attack. Every battle, that is, each time when governments of the European periphery auction debt securities, the markets are more euros. In the recent battles have been victorious. This week, for example, the English Treasury placed 6 billion euros in 10-year bonds to 5.6 percent, paying a risk premium of 2.56 percent over the German bond. A year ago, a similar English placement risk premiums paid by 0.76 percent. The placement of 2011 billion additional cost of interest earn and lose the English market.

has been repeatedly raised that Europe can not allow markets to be imposed and social defeat model allow us to achieve and then maintain adequate living standards. The economic dilemma is a political and social dilemma. Markets that demand austerity and governments cut social programs. The crisis was caused not only by the Americans. Bankers and some European governments involved in massive credit expansion and benefited. Punish entire populations by something alien to its performance is clearly unfair.

Capitalism is unfair, but in Europe it was less. Each placement of debt is a new battle for limited resources. So far they have won the big cities, despite the civil resistance, general strikes, demonstrations, strikes have not served sector. In the coming battles those affected will have to try new tactics of resistance to force their governments to change the sense of responsibility: first the population and then, if it reaches the markets. Otherwise lose the war distribution.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Market Weekly Message to the People of Mexico AMLO 17/01/1911

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book "The Radical Way" Porfirio Munoz Ledo

Mexico, accelerated process of becoming a "failed state": Muñoz Ledo

Posted on January 19, 2011 by
blogjenaro . "-chronic population.
-High levels of inequality.
-severe economic decline.
Loss of legitimacy of government. -Deterioration of public services. -Applying the rule of law arbitrary. -Extensive human rights violations.
-security apparatus independent of the public.
-primacy of the state elites.
-Intervention external political actors.

the State instead of reforming

During the presentation, held in the old courtyard of the school of Law, UNAM, San Ildefonso, the presenters agreed with the failure of state reform and, as stressed the historian Lorenzo Meyer, citing a part of the book by Munoz Ledo, "distorting the State is easier than change it." Meyer agreed with Muñoz Ledo's conviction that any change failed a regression in the political system. "It the case of Mexican reality. Is the case with the idea of \u200b\u200ba failed state, "said the analyst at the Colegio de Mexico. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a former 2006 presidential candidate and leader of the leftist social movement coincided with the exhaustion of state and regime. "We are in a process of progressive degradation. We are in a decline of the state. And I agree with the idea of \u200b\u200bradical route proposed by Muñoz Ledo, on the understanding that the radical pathway is not violent, "said Lopez Obrador. At the same idea, Alejandro Encinas, current candidate for governor of the State of Mexico, stressed that the radical way "requires of a peaceful movement. " Encinas noted that the decline of the state has increased and stressed the negotiations which led the government of Felipe Calderón with the owners of the media to create a perception that it is a legitimate government.


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Under the Microscope

The food war

bancocracia the overall survival results revolutions

Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

A child puts the price of a sack of rice at a shop in Calcutta, where the value of food has gone in aumentoFoto Reuters


Background: For almost three years, Under the Microscope (16 and 23/04/2008), and five months before the official

emergence of the global financial crisis on Wall Street created, warned the food war

sponsored by the oligopolistic cartel food the Anglo-Saxon duo (United States and Britain) and its six multinationals that control grain and cereals in the world. added that "a chart of food

cartel would have to head to Danields Archer Midland, Unilever (eye!) Grand Metropolitan (Pillsbury), Cargill, and Cadbury. " Please do not lose sight of Unilever for what follows.

Then I pointed out that "massive increases in food prices occurred in parallel to record bets with futures contracts, by the ominous

hedge-funds (hedge funds) in the stock of agricultural commodities Chicago Board of Trade and the Kansas-axis Agromercantil Minneapolis-London. " Four days later

formulated to Stratfor, neoliberal center of Texas-Israeli thinking, implied the deployment of a war

where food would come out as victors U.S. and the European Union, food hoarders highest globally (

The geopolitics of rising oil and food

food war, which climbed Goldman Sachs (Under the Microscope, 04/08/1910), began when the parasitic global bancocracia insolvency knew long before the official date of its emergence from 15 September 2008 that they knew the central banks of U.S. and UK (as Wikileaks

). Facts: Does Anglo food war is designed to China and India, as well as the OPEC (as suggested by Stratfor)? Paul Polman, executive director of the powerful Anglo-Dutch transnational Unilever food (super sic!), With nearly a whopping 40 billion dollars in revenue in 2009 (now to be much more), was lambasted in the neoliberal Forum Davos World Economic (indeed, more agonizing than ever) that

short speculators in the City were damaging (sic) the long-term needs of the business to change the way they operate


The Daily Telegraph, 15.1 11). Vale

cultural parentheses on the high lethality financial short selling

( short-selling), which is taught in schools including academics, and is selling assets pledged to third parties ( stock brokerages and investment banks) with the intent to repurchase at a later date as the return of the pledge given. This speculation lethal (for the amounts involved leveraged unidirectional exercising artificial prices) allows artificial price swings where speculators earn their dizzying changes (to the sale and repurchase) thanks to the collusion of the global bancocracia fauna provides all sorts of speculative necrophiliac credit facilities at the expense of consumers exsangües on your savings. This is one of many entertainment devices totalitarianism neoliberal left stranded most of the world population. financieristic In postmodernity there is nothing more barbaric than shorting

(one of the favorite casino games from the slavery of the Rothschild banking and global operator George Soros) should be banished from the face of the Earth civilized societies. In his interview to British newspaper of yore, the Dutchman said Polman

short speculators have contributed to food inflation

And who profit at the expense of people to live (sic) a decent life (sic) , which is difficult to understand if you want to work for long-term interests (sic) of society . He worries that

climate change and water shortages affect tomato production by Unilever, which buys 6 percent of global supply. In his view, the European Union subsidies have created distortions (sic) the market (sic) that work against the needs of the developing world

. And where left

subsidies by more than 800 billion dollars for a duration of 10 years Baby Bush gave his techno-agricultural-food industry and put the final nail in the coffin of aggro

Neoliberal Mexico mortally wounded by the folly of NAFTA? deduction is a truism that higher food and oil is the result of hyperinflation concocted by Ben Shalom Bernanke, the controversial governor of the Federal Reserve (Jeremy Warner, The Fed feeds the catastrophe of rapidly rising raw materials ,

The Daily Telegraph, 10/29/1910 ) perverse to try to rescue the global bancocracia insolvent, which led to the collateral damage of social unrest in several developing and catalyzed survival revolution ( by famine) in Tunisia (see Under the Microscope, 16/01/1911). After reviewing the various causes of rising

classic food-droughts, floods, bioethanol, rising gasoline, bulk purchase of China and India, etc.-and regardless of the blatant speculation financieristic Postclassic, John W. Schoen, chief producer of the MSNBC television (01/14/1911) and who seems to belong to both schools of thought of the Polish-French Marie Antoinette as Stratfor,

argues that de-veloped world (sic) has come out unscathed with a modest price (super sic!) in the U.S. because eat more processed foods, in addition to the consumer average American spends 13 percent of their disposable income on food compared to over 50 percent of the least developed countries (01/14/1911). " No Comments! Best of insanity globalist: before the revolt of students unemployed in Tunisia and regenerative immolations , the American Robert Zoellick, World Bank director and one of the satraps of totalitarian neoliberal

urged to avoid protectionist measures ( The free-market can still feed the world , The Financial Times,

5.1.11). To see if it convinces the outdated Zoellick sync when the hungry of the earth that the free market going to save and nurture.

How, then, it will protect affected countries, and not only the hike, but none of the revolutions survival (of hambuna) ? "Shielding

financially to the tortilla, itamita style as Calderon has chosen? Not everything is insanity in Anglo-Saxon narrative and Rowena Mason ( The Daily Telegraph, 01/17/1911) argues that food inflation is destined to become a political issue , rather than financial or economist.

Conclusion: The jasmine revolution in Tunisia genuine revolution-survival (starvation) of unemployed university-placed U.S. and GB to the insurmountable dilemma that many of his unfailing geopolitical allies in the world can be humiliatingly ousted because of rising food speculative, forcing to affected countries to resort to purely political and national safeguard protective. Times are political, not financial. Source:

Friday, January 7, 2011

Preesing Boops In Women