Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Big And Tall Wrestling Uniform


demi joe ruptura

Demi Lovato Recently Twitter has written confirmation Jemi. There were already many rumors of the break but that was total confirmation. Demi said: "There are so many crazy rumors that have gone out there today. I would like to clarify some things. First, Joe and I parted , but it was by phone. Things did not work, but we will remain friends. We'm getting even with anyone. Nothing is more important to me that the relationship I have with my fans. Just thought you should know this "

Demetria lovato

On Monday 24th May 2010,   said:  
There are so many crazy rumors flying around today. I'd like to clear a few things up. First, Joe and I did split but it wasn't over the phone. Things didn't work out but we'll remain friends. Secondly, I am NOT dating anybody already. Nothing is more important to me than the relationship I have with my fans.. Just thought you guys should know this.

     In addition Joe told People magazine: "Demi and I knew that starting a romantic relationship could not be an easy decision. I realized during the time we share together that I care more about our friendship at this time. That was my choice to break, but I want as a friend. She has been there for me when I needed it. I have to remain your friend and be there for her "

All a joy that may have to terminate the relationship without any mishap.



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