Sunday, March 20, 2011

Remove Mirena Does It Hurt

Studio Team

After the Crash of English animation in Catalonia appeared the phenomenon of Underground Animation, animators and cartoonists Sanjuan Buch of the journal Papus (now On Thursday ) Jordi Amorós and Victor Luna founded the production company Equip and produce in 1978 the first English film for adults : Stories of Love and Slaughter

also produced the TV series Mofli, the last Koala that despite having good quality and style of consistent with the 80, was unprofitable because of poor management.

But back to Studio Team ... In 1989 he made his most spectacular, like "Història de Catalunya" decided to make a film to celebrate the millennium of the founding of Catalunya: Despertaferro . With funding from the Generalitat de Catalunya got everything he had previously failed a English animation production: A team of top animators from Spain, new material from the first order, a quality design, voice actors from the first row , good soundtrack y. .. a completely absurd and incoherent script, which is little more than a disjointed pastiche of folk catalan.

Lauria The story is about a child who is an Enlightened Doctor entrusted with the mission to travel back in time to save Almogàvers warriors, accompanied by dragon Aioli Xiulet and mushroom, with the help of the 3 Kings (???). The film was a failure, although the Catalan nationalists consider worship. For its level of production may have meant the beginning of a "Bronze Age Animation Catalana", but na ...


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