Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Best Camcorder Under 400

Some tips for action

Hi, this is the first in a series of contributions on performance that I will post on our blog although this is not "the Bible of the actor" if they are very practical questions that can help you when you're on stage.

A good actor is one who memorizes the text, due entirely to the director and talk with intent. Is one that includes the identity of his character and uses this identity to " reacting" to the stimulus of other characters in the scene:

1. You let go when you act. That is, sometimes we act as "actors" vain and egocentric lucirnos whose sole purpose is, let us look up to admire ourselves against the "good we are on stage "... This actictud causes two main problems: the first is that we do everything in our power to attract public attention. The second is that looking at us too much of ourselves we lose sight of our role, what is happening in the work and all the circumstances surrounding the character.

2. A good actor is clear who is known to himself, in this way when you receive a paper does not seek the judge and have many differences with him but have many similarities and character actor. I put a simple example, if you belong you as an actor playing a villain in the story instead of judging the character and get to thinking how different it is you know helps you find all the similarities that when you act will use personal experiences and body behavior needed in the interpretation.

3.Load good and bad in a work depends on the opinion of the director , the work itself and the public. You agree to participate in a project because you are convinced that what is said is good, and in assembling your job is to follow the decisions and actions of the character without judging if his conduct is morally good or bad.

4. When was the last time you went out of joint? At that time surely you dress, your grooming, you used the lotion, the makeup you put on will generate an image of yourself that helps you to socialize in the antrum. We all behave differently in each place where we are and each person with whom we interact. Before playing the character dressed as the character, discover how they behave towards each other characters, give your character a IDENTITY.

Dudas: sergiofrancisco.alvarez @ upaep.mx